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+ Leading

 There are lots of opportunities to teach and lead with all age groups, from volunteering in the nursery to teaching Sunday school to leading a

small group or Bible study.  

Helping Hands

The Helping Hands ministry supplies meals to members and others in our neighborhoods and communities who need a little help with food: while recuperating from an illness or surgery, after experiencing a loss, who have just moved, or have difficulty making their own meals. These meals are frozen and placed on the top shelf of the freezer,

in the church kitchen.



At First Church, we have a place for a wide variety of musical styles, instruments, ages, and experience. If you love making music and desire to use your gifts to lead God's people in worship, our Worship Coordinator will be glad to help you find the best way to get involved!


Our tech volunteers are also an integral part of our Sunday services. If you enjoy learning technology or have an ear for music, our tech team might be

the right place for you to serve.


Your gifts of visual artistic expression can be used here at First Church! We have a team that enhances the atmosphere of the worship space by incorporating a diverse array of visual arts. There are also opportunities to participate in the worship services through dramatic arts such as scripture presentation and liturgical skits.



Family Promise of Greater Denver provides housing for families in crisis, and

 aims to form relationships with each family by providing a spectrum of supportive services as they obtain stability. The programs offer different interventions, based off each family’s housing needs.  First Christian Reformed hosts families through the program twice per year,

for two weeks each time. 

Prayer Shawl Ministry

Compassionate prayer warriors knit lovely prayer shawls while praying for future, yet-unknown recipients. Shawls are delivered to those with a need for comfort care. If you would like to join this team of knitters (the pattern is a simple knit/purl pattern), or know someone who could use this tangible evidence of comfort and prayer,

contact the church office today. 


Community Ministries 

Community Ministry provides food and resources for those facing economic hardships in the greater Denver area.  Donate to the food pantry through our collection bin at church, and get involved in different opportunities through the year such as collecting backpacks, purchasing gifts for kids, or volunteering

on site at Community Ministry.

Volunteers In Action

Volunteers in Action is a Christian non-profit service organization that serves the local community by equipping and enabling Christian volunteers and churches to be Christ's transforming presence in the lives of people in the greater Denver area. VIA connects and mobilizes followers of Jesus to be in a supportive helping relationship with people who are elderly, have a disability or are struggling with poverty.


Contact the VIA office 303-713-9144 for information on how you can get involved.

Feed My StarvingChildren

Kids and adults of all ages hand pack meals at various times and locations during the year.  These meals are specifically designed to assist in reversing and preventing undernutrition, and meals are sent all over the world to malnourished individuals.

Toys for god's kids

Toys for God’s Kids is a Christian charitable organization that provides sturdy, handmade wooden cars and trucks to God’s children around the world.  You can volunteer at First to help in the production of the cars (all ages welcome). There are opportunities throughout the year

to help in the production process of the cars.

World Renew and Disaster Response Services (DRS)

World Renew joins with the world’s families to change the story of hunger, poverty, and illness. For nearly 60 years, hundreds of thousands of people have shared in this calling: staff, local partners, global communities, and people like you. Every day, people like you give in response to a disaster, offer monthly support to Free a Family™ from poverty, or travel with our volunteer teams to help renew hope firsthand. Together, we change stories,

and those stories change the world.


Youth for juvenile Justice ministry

Chaplain Claire Froehlich has been working in the Juvenile Justice Ministry with Youth For Christ (YFC) since June 2009. Claire has a passion for discipleship and helping at-risk youth come to know the life-changing love of Jesus Christ. She serves on the YFC Juvenile Justice Ministry team as a chaplain at Mt. View Youth Services Center. Claire offers tours of Mt. View Youth Services Center, where people meet some of the girls, learn about YFC's ministry, and have the opportunity to become a mentor to one of the girls. 


Margaret Njuguna is the Founder and Director of En-Gedi Children's Home in one of Nairobi's suburbs. En-Gedi Children's Home is the model in Kenya for best practices in the support and care for children with special needs. It enriches the lives of children with special needs through collaborating with families, government departments, like-minded agencies, faith-based organizations, and corporations to build a continuum of compassionate care.

The overall goal of En-Gedi Children's Home is to provide a home that will offer children with disabilities a healthy and safe environment where they can grow, learn, thrive and develop to their fullest potential.


Currently there are 17 children living at the home. Margaret says, "My heart for the children has been getting bigger and would like to take in more (especially those who are hidden and tethered behind dark rooms) and thus share God's love and light with more families and more communities." Her goal is to house up to 30 children in their newly constructed facility.

The Table





These three values are found most tangibly at the table as we eat, have conversation, and extend hospitality. The Table is a unique church in Denver's Platt Park Neighborhood that values all three by combining urban farming, community meals, and lively conversation in multiple venues. We aim to help people eat well, experience life-giving and authentic community, and explore the depth and breadth of the grace of Jesus Christ. No matter what your background or experience of faith, you're welcome to participate. Feed your body, feed your soul,

and feed your community.

2190 S Platte River Dr, Denver, CO 80223


Liam Starkenburg is the Director of NCA, which partners with Christian parents in developing spiritual, social, physical and academic excellence in students so that they can be active disciples of Jesus Christ. They currently have about 300 students enrolled. Jessica teaches art classes at NCA, and is involved in several additional ministries. Liam, Jessica, and their four children (Caleb, Judah, Belen, and Asher) enjoy living, working and playing in Managua, with occasional trips back to the U.S. to visit their families

and supporting churches.

First CRC to learn more
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